This page shows a listing of courses available for RIBO continuing education.  If you are looking for a particular course/course provider please enter a part of/the full name of the course/course provider in the respective search box.  There is also the option to sort by category or by most recently added.

Please note that the names of the courses are provided by their course providers.  If you have any questions about courses with similar names please contact the course liaison using the email address provided.  Any other questions regarding course content or course availability can be directed to the course liaisons; please do not contact RIBO if you are looking to sign up for a course.

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1,294

Course Name: 1. CannEd - Cannabis & EPL 2. CannEd - Cannabis on the road (P&C)

Liaison Name: Afshin Mousavian


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: 2022 Rate and Manual Updates

Liaison Name: Chris Hill


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: 2024 Ethics Course for RIBO Licensees

Liaison Name: Ryan Monkey


Course Outline: The course “2024 Ethics for RIBO Licensees” uses a case study to cover Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) and the RIBO Code of Conduct Handbook. In this course, we address many of the factors that insurance brokers face on a regular basis as they relate to email marketing and “building a book of business.” We also touch on “Paragraph 1—Integrity.” To receive continuing education (CE) credits, you need to receive a mark of 4 out of 6 or higher on the final quiz.

Accreditation Hours: 1.0

Course Name: 51 Activities every Advisor should be delegating

Liaison Name: Amanda Simpson


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: A Fundamental Overview of Insurance A review of a Construction Insurance Programme. Special clauses and doctrines

Liaison Name: Crispin Daniels


Course Outline: A review of insurance fundamentals leading to a detailed review of a Construction Insurance Program.

Accreditation Hours: 3

Course Name: A Growing Danger, Risks of Marijuana Grow-Ops

Liaison Name: Dana Barr


Course Outline: This course provides students with an overview of the situation across the country with regard to the existence of Marijuana Grow Ops. Risks and hazards of these illegal operations are detailed in Lesson 2. An important discussion is presented of the issues these Grow Ops raise for insurance companies. The course provides advice for landlords both to avoid renting to questionable individuals, as well as to monitor their property for any signs of such activity that might come to light. A comprehensive assessment of the student’s grasp of the information is also provided. Students will • Be familiar with the existence of Grow Ops across the country • Recognize the importance of related issues to the insurance industry • Be knowledgeable about the variety of risks and hazards posed by Grow Ops • Understand the legislation surrounding Grow Ops • Know how to manage the risks with regard to insurance • Be able to advise landowners of signs for detecting Grow Op • Be able to provide strategies for landlords to better screen potential renters Interactive online course, with internal quizzes. Slides must be viewed to progress through the content and access the final exam. Must successfully pass the final exam with 75% or higher to achieve a CE Certificate.

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: A Guide to Business Strategy

Liaison Name: Pradeep Srivastava


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 5

Course Name: A Guide to Security on the Cloud

Liaison Name: Stephanie Iacono


Course Outline: In this session we at AWS call out some of the challenges facing our customers as they operate their business critical workloads on the cloud. We will then walk through components of a Cloud Security Operating Model where you will execute on your security strategy via people, process and technology. Finally we will give examples of how familiar technology can be used in a cloud native manner to put things into perspective. Attendance via email signin and out. Participation throughout.

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: A look inside Cargo theft

Liaison Name: Andrea Raspa


Course Outline: In this exciting presentation you’ll get an interesting look into the world of cargo theft. We’ll review cargo theft techniques deployed by the thieves targeting the cargo industry. We will discuss the profile of cargo thieves, methods used, preventative measures that can be deployed by yards, owners and drivers. Additionally we will have a discussion on how cargo crimes are investigated in general, an overview of the police response to cargo crime and how security services can assist in the insurance industry.

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: A perspective on private health insurance in Canada and why it's time to consider it as an option today

Liaison Name: Nancy Allan


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: A Pragmatic Guide to Buying and Selling a Practice

Liaison Name: Nancy Allan


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: A Roadmap to Selecting the Right E&O Protection

Liaison Name: Jack Mazakian


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1.5

Course Name: ABCs of Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

Liaison Name: Caroline Alvarez


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1


Liaison Name: Jane Collins


Course Outline: The Self-study course

Accreditation Hours: 4

Course Name: Accident Reconstruction

Liaison Name: Zachary King


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: Across The Border

Liaison Name: Vesna Spasic


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: Action for Managers

Liaison Name: Jane Collins


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 10

Course Name: AFM Provision 4100

Liaison Name: Brad Smegal


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 4

Course Name: After the Flag is Raised

Liaison Name: Preya Prashad


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: Aggregator friend or foe

Liaison Name: Tanya Coburn


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: Agri-Tourism Industry

Liaison Name: Alice VanVught


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 2

Course Name: Agricultural Outbuildings

Liaison Name: Alice VanVught


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 2

Course Name: Agricultural Valuations: Understanding the Basics

Liaison Name: Bonnie Kluthe


Course Outline: Objectives: By the end of the session, the attendees will be able to: • Identify the building’s type of construction, roof shape and the building’s unique features, if any • Be able to sign into and input data accurately into the Douglas Cost Guide platform to generate a valuation of Farm Assets - Buildings • Be more comfortable and confident using the Douglas Cost Guide platform to accurately assess the farmers insurance needs and the value of buildings they require insurance on • Gain understanding of outside factors that affect building values • Identify when they need assistance and who they can get the assistance from when there are complex buildings on the farm 5 minutes Introductions and opening comments, housekeeping 15 minutes How to Sign in and Dashboard Navigation ▪ Profile ▪ Lock ▪ Actions ▪ Search for an assessment 80 minutes How to Start and Complete a New Assessment ▪ Interview – information about the farm ▪ Build – Components, Features and types of uses/occupancy of buildings ▪ What is construction quality, by-laws, abnormal shortages, complex areas, hillside situations, remote areas, weather extremes, contractor variance, debris removal and tax. How do they affect the value of the building? ▪ What does depreciation mean and how does it affect the value of the building? ▪ Complete ▪ Print 60 minutes Building Examples and their unique features and attributes based on the occupancy of the building ▪ Dairy Complex ▪ Poultry Barn 20 minutes Question & Answer Additional information Bring your questions or feedback on building costs and the Douglas Cost Guide’s program. On line this course will be done on GoToWebinar, which gives attention scores. Scores over 70% will be given CE Credits. In person there is a sign in sheet to verify attendees. Attendees must be present the entire time in order to get full credit - anyone arriving late or leaving early will not receive credit.We have two facilitators of this course - Robert Karr and Bonnie Kluthe

Accreditation Hours: 3

Course Name: Alcohol and Drug Host Liability

Liaison Name: Dana Barr


Course Outline: The purpose of this online course is to heighten awareness and understanding of issues relating to liability insurance for hosts, as well as to emphasize the importance of staff training to avoid liability and protect the public.

Accreditation Hours: 1

Course Name: All about Broadcasting - Create a professional event/meeting with branding and pre-recorded media

Liaison Name: Amanda Milner


Course Outline:

Accreditation Hours: 1